Bittensor CLI: Permissions Guide
The Bittensor CLI, btcli
provides a wide range of functionality: some commands require a coldkey to authenticate, some require a hotkey, and some require neither. Additionally, different functions require different levels of permissions. Some require the user to have special status like being registered with a node, have a validator permit, or be an active member of the senate.
This page details the requirements for all of the btcli
commands. It is organized by Bittensor persona, on the assumption that everyone who uses btcli
is in one or more of the following roles:
- stakers:
- miners:
- validators:
- subnet creators:
- governance:
Stakers enter value into the Bittensor network by acquiring TAO and staking or delegating it to validators to support their work. As validators extract emissions, a certain percentage goes back to stakers.
See Staking/Delegation Overview.
Stakers must be familiar with operations related to managing the TAO and staked alpha tokens in their Bittensor wallet balance.
Performing these functions requires using a coldkey, and hence must be performed in a highly secure environment for any wallet connected to real (mainnet) TAO balance.
Accounts can be viewed without using a coldkey...
Subnet Creators
Available liquidity
Validator Permit
Workstation config
btcli config
btcli config [options]
- btcli config set
- btcli config get
- ...
- btcli conf metagraph
btcli config set
btcli config get
btcli config clear
btcli config metagraph
btcli conf set
btcli conf get
btcli conf clear
btcli conf metagraph
btcli c set
btcli c get
btcli c clear
btcli c metagraph
Wallet management
Mostly target a coldkey; should be performed on a secure CK workstation, NOT a mining workstation or any other insecure endpoint.
HKs should be created on secure CK workstation and then carefully provisioned to less secure working nodes for mining and validation.
btcli wallet list
btcli wallet swap-hotkey
btcli wallet regen-coldkey
btcli wallet regen-coldkeypub
btcli wallet regen-hotkey
btcli wallet new-hotkey
btcli wallet new-coldkey
btcli wallet create
btcli wallet balance
btcli wallet history
btcli wallet overview
btcli wallet transfer
btcli wallet inspect
btcli wallet faucet
btcli wallet set-identity
btcli wallet get-identity
btcli wallet sign
btcli wallet swap_hotkey
btcli wallet regen_coldkey
btcli wallet regen_coldkeypub
btcli wallet regen_hotkey
btcli wallet new_hotkey
btcli wallet new_coldkey
btcli wallet set_identity
btcli wallet get_identity
btcli w list
btcli w swap-hotkey
btcli w regen-coldkey
btcli w regen-coldkeypub
btcli w regen-hotkey
btcli w new-hotkey
btcli w new-coldkey
btcli w create
btcli w balance
btcli w history
btcli w overview
btcli w transfer
btcli w inspect
btcli w faucet
btcli w set-identity
btcli w get-identity
btcli w sign
btcli w swap_hotkey
btcli w regen_coldkey
btcli w regen_coldkeypub
btcli w regen_hotkey
btcli w new_hotkey
btcli w new_coldkey
btcli w set_identity
btcli w get_identity
btcli wallets list
btcli wallets swap-hotkey
btcli wallets regen-coldkey
btcli wallets regen-coldkeypub
btcli wallets regen-hotkey
btcli wallets new-hotkey
btcli wallets new-coldkey
btcli wallets create
btcli wallets balance
btcli wallets history
btcli wallets overview
btcli wallets transfer
btcli wallets inspect
btcli wallets faucet
btcli wallets set-identity
btcli wallets get-identity
btcli wallets sign
btcli wallets swap_hotkey
btcli wallets regen_coldkey
btcli wallets regen_coldkeypub
btcli wallets regen_hotkey
btcli wallets new_hotkey
btcli wallets new_coldkey
btcli wallets set_identity
btcli wallets get_identity
Stake Management
Coldkey w sufficient TAO or w stake for unstaking/moving
Mostly target a coldkey; should be performed on a secure CK workstation, NOT a mining workstation or any other insecure endpoint.
btcli stake add
btcli stake remove
btcli stake list
btcli stake move
btcli stake transfer
btcli stake swap
btcli stake child
btcli stake child get
btcli stake child set
btcli stake child revoke
btcli stake child take
btcli stake children
btcli stake children get
btcli stake children set
btcli stake children revoke
btcli stake children take
btcli st add
btcli st remove
btcli st list
btcli st move
btcli st transfer
btcli st swap
btcli st child
btcli st child get
btcli st child set
btcli st child revoke
btcli st child take
btcli st children
btcli st children get
btcli st children set
btcli st children revoke
btcli st children take
Subnet Management and Governance
Subnet management: Setters need CK with creator permissions, getters are typically permissionsless (???)
Senate stuff: CK? have to be a Senator
miner/validator registration stuff: setters HK, but getters permissionless or maybe HK?
btcli sudo set
btcli sudo get
btcli sudo senate
btcli sudo proposals
btcli sudo senate-vote
btcli sudo set-take
btcli sudo get-take
btcli sudo senate_vote
btcli sudo get_take
btcli sudo set_take
btcli su set
btcli su get
btcli su senate
btcli su proposals
btcli su senate-vote
btcli su set-take
btcli su get-take
btcli su senate_vote
btcli su get_take
btcli su set_take
btcli subnets hyperparameters
btcli subnets list
btcli subnets burn-cost
btcli subnets create
btcli subnets pow-register
btcli subnets register
btcli subnets metagraph
btcli subnets show
btcli subnets price
btcli subnets burn_cost
btcli subnets pow_register
btcli s hyperparameters
btcli s list
btcli s burn-cost
btcli s create
btcli s pow-register
btcli s register
btcli s metagraph
btcli s show
btcli s price
btcli s burn_cost
btcli s pow_register
btcli subnet hyperparameters
btcli subnet list
btcli subnet burn-cost
btcli subnet create
btcli subnet pow-register
btcli subnet register
btcli subnet metagraph
btcli subnet show
btcli subnet price
btcli subnet burn_cost
btcli subnet pow_register
btcli weights reveal
btcli weights commit
Setters require HK w validator permit. getters permissionless (???)