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SUBMIT A PRSUBMIT AN ISSUElast edit: Feb 27, 2025

Subtensor Error Messages

Subtensor is Bittensor's blockchain component.

This page documents errors from Subtensor surface, which may surface through btcli or the Bittensor Python SDK.

See: error codes in the Subtensor code repo.

Subtensor error message format

Subtensor presents the errors in the following format:

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: [Error Code]'

Below are the detailed error messages:

Custom error: 0

Error: ColdKeyInSwapSchedule

Description: Your coldkey is set to be swapped. No transfer operations are possible.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 0'

Custom error: 1

Error: StakeAmountTooLow

Description: The amount you are staking/unstaking/moving is below the minimum TAO equivalent.

The transaction minimum is 500,000 RAO or 0.0005 TAO.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 1'

Custom error: 2

Error: BalanceTooLow

Description: The amount of stake you have is less than you have requested

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 2'

Custom error: 3

Error: SubnetDoesntExist

Description: This subnet does not exist.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 3'

Custom error: 4

Error: HotkeyAccountDoesntExist

Description: Hotkey is not registered on Bittensor network.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 4'

Custom error: 5

Error: NotEnoughStakeToWithdraw

Description: You do not have enough TAO equivalent stake to remove/move/transfer, including the unstake fee.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 5'

Custom error: 6

Error: RateLimitExceeded

Description: Too many transactions submitted (other than Axon serve/publish extrinsic).

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 6'

Custom error: 7

Error: InsufficientLiquidity

Description: The subnet's pool does not have sufficient liquidity for this transaction.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 7'

Custom error: 8

Error: SlippageTooHigh

Description: The slippage exceeds your limit. Try reducing the transaction amount.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 8'

Custom error: 9

Error: TransferDisallowed

Description: This subnet does not allow stake transfer.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 9'

Custom error: 10

Error: HotKeyNotRegisteredInNetwork

Description: The hotkey is not registered in the selected subnet.

Custom error: 11

Error: InvalidIpAddress

Description: Axon connection info cannot be parsed into a valid IP address.

Custom error: 12

Error: ServingRateLimitExceeded

Description: Rate limit exceeded for axon serve/publish extrinsic.

Custom error: 13

Error: InvalidPort

Description: Axon connection info cannot be parsed into a valid port.

Custom error: 255

Error: BadRequest

Description: Unclassified error.

{'code': 1010, 'message': 'Invalid Transaction', 'data': 'Custom error: 255'